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Ένα μήλο την ημέρα τον γιατρό τον κάνει πέρα

Αυτό δεν λέγεται τυχαία! Τα μήλα είναι ένα από τα πιο ευρέως καλλιεργούμενα φρούτα που καταναλώνει ο άνθρωπος. Είναι πλούσια σε πολυφαινόλες, η συγκέντρωση των οποίων  διαφέρει  αφού εξαρτάται τόσο από την ποικιλία των μήλων όσο και από  τις συνθήκες καλλιέργειας και αποθήκευσης. Το μήλο είναι πλούσιο σε βιταμίνη Α, C, Ε, Κ, Β6, νιασίνη (B3), φιλικό οξύ και χολίνη. Τόσο το μήλο όσο και το εξωτερικό του περίβλημα είναι επίσης πλούσια σε ασβέστιο, σίδηρο, μαγνήσιο, φώσφορο, κάλιο, νάτριο και ψευδάργυρο καθώς και φυτικές ίνες. Τα μήλα αποτελούν το 80% της παραγωγής μας και διαθέτουμε τις εξής ποικιλίες:    

Συνθήκες Αποθήκευσης Μήλων: Θερμοκρασία 0° C, Υγρασία 90%

Ozark Gold

Ozark Gold

Early ripening variety yielding middle-sized fruits having a spherical-conical shape. Yellow skin while the parts exposed to sunlight rose blush. Its flesh is firm, crispy, juicy, aromatic with slight tart accent and a white-yellow color. 

Harvest period: mid-August


Early ripening variety. Gala apples are small and usually red, being vertically striped with a greenish or yellow-green color. Quite resistant to bruising, sweet, fine textured with mild taste and finer skin compared to most other apple varieties. 

Harvest period: end August. 


Early ripening variety bearing apples with full uniform red color, white crispy flesh and sweet taste with a hint of acidity. 

Harvest period: early September
Red chief

Red chief

Middle ripening variety yielding large fruits with uniform red color and small freckles that, sometimes, can become darker. Crispy white-yellow flesh, sweet and very aromatic. 

Harvest period: mid-September
Jona Gored

Jona Gored

Middle ripening variety. Jonagored apples are red and vertically striped and have a very juicy and sweet flesh, tempered with a little tartness. 

Harvest period: mid-September
Golden delicious

Golden delicious

Middle ripening variety. Golden Delicious apples are large, pale green to golden yellow in color and speckled with small lenticels. Their flesh is crispy, juicy and has very sweet-tart aromatic flavor. 

Harvest period: mid-end September


Variety of late ripening, yielding small, oblong fruits. Their color is yellow-green covered with red overcoat (in stripes or diffused). Their flesh is very aromatic and rich in natural sugars. 

Harvest period: end Septembe
Granny Smith

Granny Smith

Variety of late ripening. Granny Smith apples have a bright green skin that is often speckled with faint white lenticels (spots). Medium to large in size and round in shape, they are a firm and juicy apple with thick skin. Their flesh is bright white and crisp in texture with a tart, acidic, yet subtly sweet flavor. 

Harvest period: end October